Addy is Coming SOON!
I wrote this book because 6-year old Jacky needed it. She needed it to not feel alone or left out or crazy or wrong for how she ate.
I wrote this book to help even just one kid feel better about his/her situation at the dinner table.
I wrote this book to help parents just like mine who are trying their absolute best with what they know.
I wrote this book to show myself that I can do hard things.
I am proud and excited and NERVOUS to share it with the world, but I know that even if it helps one parent and one child, it was worth it.
🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜
Cover update!! Eddie (my illustrator) and I realized this illustration would show much more about what the book is about, as well as the emotions Addy has. She's the star and has her big moment. So here she is in the spotlight! 🤩
Eddie and I had a great meeting today finalizing all details and we are submitting the final proof on Friday. That same day, we're opening up pre-orders for family and friends! Thank you to everyone who has been waiting so patiently for this big day, we can't wait!! 🙌🌽