A Lemon House Publishing Update

Lemon House Publishing (LHP) started by accident and I truly love what it’s become. Our ripple effect is stronger than I could have ever dreamed when I moved back home after trying (and failing, but we never named it that) to become an entrepreneur.

I feel like I’m just coming up for air for the first time since March 2020 and it felt like a good time to share an update. When the world shut down, I started teaching a few students on Zoom and from word-of-mouth, the writing curriculum I had created pre-pandemic started to gain traction. I decided to do an afterschool group class in the fall of 2020 and to my surprise, 30 students enrolled! That was followed by a winter class and after our spring program, we hit over 120 student books published. I’ve been riding this wave of the unknown, following my instinct, and trying to provide quality service while I pivot along the way.

At the end of the summer, I was accepted into Babson’s WIN (Women Innovating Now) Growth Lab accelerator program with 30 other female business owners. It has given me a clearer path for LHP. I’ve made amazing connections, been stretched outside my comfort zone since day one and it has opened my eyes to the ins and outs of running a “real” business. 

I was told by many people to raise my pricing. While it has been uncomfortable, we’ve realized the outcome is not only a published book for children, but an explosion of confidence, a boost of interest in writing, and pride in their own hard work. More info here!

The plans for the future of LHP are still evolving, but I know it includes an amazing team, an impactful self-paced course (launching soon!), and a whole lot more kids feeling empowered. I plan to offer an opportunity for burned-out teachers who want to continue working with kids but from the comfort of their own homes. There’s a lot coming for LHP, and if you want to be a part of it in any way, please reach out. 

Before I climb down off my stage, I have to say thank you. The word-of-mouth referrals that you all have provided have fueled LHP. The support is tangible and it is crucial. I appreciate every one of you who is reading this right now. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

When life gives you lemons… write a book!


20 Books in 2020

I am going to publish 20 books in 2020.

Okay, I mean I’m going to coach 20 books to the finish line. Mine + 19 others. 

Last week I was at a goal-setting event and it had me thinking. When we put tangible numbers on things, it helps us break it down so much easier. 

And to take it a step further, when we share these goals out loud, we’re held WAY more accountable. 

So hi, here I am, feeling totally vulnerable, excited and scared as hell to share this with you. 20 books in 2020. 

My brainstorm started at 10. I think that’s doable, it didn’t scare me. 15 felt a bit scarier. Then I was like — oh but 20 in 2020 is scary AF and sounds way better. So that’s what we’re landing on. 

I have gotten so much joy working with my clients these last 4 months since I started this self-publishing coaching. It’s such a challenging and rewarding journey. I’m shocked at how many people have told me they’ve always dreamed of publishing a book. 

LET’S DO IT! 2020 is your year! I have 5 VIP spots and 5 group spots starting in January.